My name is Marie, or Mims! I am an independent crochet artist trying to bring some colour and quirky sass to your wardrobe! I have been crocheting for around 7 years. It started as a hobby, something to do with my hands and keep my mind occupied during a really difficult time in my life when I'd stopped working because my anxiety was so bad. Over the years it gradually became something more, I have started defining my style more and selling my creations. I've been working really hard to put togeather these collections and thought it was about time I displayed them on their own site, so bare with me, this is still a work in progress but I will be updating the site as we go with new features and ways to order my designs.

Marie Bassi. Owner of Migthy Mims
The name for my little shop comes from my obsession as a child with WWF Wrestling! Mighty Mims was going to be my wrestler name! Its been my online handle ever since with the word Mighty taking on its own representations in my life and the journery I've been on! When I was younger I loved my fashion wheel, making up and mixing outfits and as a teenager I used to sketch my wrestling costumes! I promise I will crochet them one day! So I feel like design has always been written in my path.
I am also a qualifed hula hoop teacher and I plan on developing a way to use this to help other people struggling with their mental health. For me, movement and remembering how my body could move was a massive part of reconnecting to myself and I want to share this with other people! I use my skills to make hula hoops and accessories for them so expect to see some of that on here too!
I hope you all get lots of enjoyment from my creations!
Peace and Love
Mighty Mims